Switch Girl
Japanese Title スイッチガール No. of Ep 8 Duration 30 Production Year 2012 Genre Based on Comic/DRAMA/ROMANCE/SCHOOL Type Series Cast Maria NISHIUCHI
An ultra-stylish, popular high school girl is a complete slob at home! A girl’s true self, that she would do anything to keep secret, is laid bare in this hilarious romantic comedy.
In front of people (in On Mode), Nika Tamiya is a super-charismatic high school student who gives off an aura of popularity. However, when she gets back home (Off Mode), a sloppily-clad Nika lounges in her garbage-filled bedroom, and only her childhood friend knows the secret.
But one evening, while in Off Mode, Nika takes a supermarket up on its challenge of stuffing all the vegetables you can fit in a bag for one low price. Next to her is a gloomy-looking teenage boy wearing glasses. Nika shares with him the method of how to fit in even more veggies. The next day, a new student joins Nika’s class and it turns out to be the spectacled boy from the night before. This marks a new phase of Nika’s high school career, one in which she’s a nervous wreck for fear of having her secret slovenly true identity exposed.
At last, Natsumi Aida’s popular comic (published by Shueisha), which has sold over 5 million volumes, has become a drama! The original comic has gained a high level of popularity not only in Japan, but in other Asian countries such as Taiwan and Thailand, as well as European countries like France and Italy.